Listen up!

Welcome to a series of powerful interviews from those touched by Rachel’s Vineyard, a ministry offering healing retreats for individuals affected by abortion. These clips highlight personal journeys of hope, healing, and transformation, as well as insights from counselors and leaders who guide them. Listen as they share their stories of restoration and renewal.

Rachel’s Vineyard Audio Resources

Healing Through Stories of Hope and Renewal

What happens on a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat?

Listen to two Rachel’s Vineyard staff members describe the value and blessings received by women and men by attending a weekend healing retreat.

What happens on a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat?

Listen to two Rachel’s Vineyard staff members describe the value and blessings received by women and men by attending a weekend healing retreat.

Rachel’s Vineyard Video Resources

Healing Through Stories of Hope and Renewal

Describe the changes in someone who makes a retreat

Why is it important for both men and women to attend a retreat?

What obstacles keep men and women from attending a retreat?

What’s the key to helping people find healing?

Why is confidentiality so important?

Could you describe how it feels to find forgiveness and healing?

What do you say to someone who feels unworthy of healing?

Is this retreat for those who've experienced chemical abortions?

Do you remember a story from a retreat that has stayed in your heart?

Are Project Rachel retreats only for women who have lost a baby?